首 页 输送机械 申达简介 输送机械 荣誉资质 输送设备产品大全 输送机械 埋刮板输送机 输送机械 链式输送机 输送机械 板链式提升机 输送机械 平板烘干机 输送机械 输送设备博客 输送机械 斗式提升机 技术支持
刮板输送机 煤矿用刮板机
水平刮板机 矿用刮板输送机
埋刮板输送机 矿业输送设备
链板输送机 绞龙输送机
链式输送机 u型螺旋输送机
皮带输送机 无轴螺旋输送机
刮板链条 双螺旋输送机
套筒滚子链 MZ型埋刮板机
刮板机头尾轮 管式螺旋输送机
斗式提升机 NE板链式斗式提升机


HL斗式提升机 TD型斗式提升机
TG斗式提升机 垂直提升机
物料提升机 TH型斗式提升机
不锈钢冷凝器 碳钢列管冷凝器
列管式冷凝器 铝合金冷凝器
胶带输送机 平板烘干机
油脂成套设备 大豆烘干机
关风器 刮渣机栅板

地 址:江苏省东台市时堰镇安时路17号
电 话:0515-85519096
传 真:0515-85519316
手 机:15396859599
网 址:http://www.sdshusong.com/

东台市申达机械制造有限公司 当前位置:东台市申达机械厂 >提升机



(6).其它型号斗式提升机 链式斗式提升机






















3.下部装置:安装有张紧装置, NE15~NE50采用弹簧张紧,NE100~NE800采用重锤箱张紧。

4.上下链轮采用 ZG310-570。整体调质,HB229-269齿面淬火HRC40~48。

5.板链:链板采用 45 # HRC36~42

型号 提升量 平方米/小时 物料大块度
占百分比 %
10 25 50 75 100
NE15 15 65 50 40 30 25
NE30 32 60 75 58 47 40
NE50 60 90 75 58 47 40
NE100 110 130 105 80 65 55
NE150 170 130 105 80 65 55
NE200 210 170 135 100 85 70
NE300 320 170 135 100 85 70
NE400 380 205 165 125



NE500 470 240 190 145 120 100
NE600 600 240 190 145 120 100
NE800 800 275 220 165 135 110
The NE series plank chain Dou type promote a machine product to all say:
Promote the machine is application the most extensive perpendicular promote an equipments, should the machine be applicable to medium, big piece with have already whetted a Zhuo material(such as limestone, cement familiar anticipate, gypsum, piece coal) of perpendicular transport, the material temperature is in below 250 ℃ .
The NE type plank chain Dou type's promoting machine is ushered in a forerunner's technique by the abroad to develop of new product, the main technique parameter match a machine department standard(JB3926-85).The adoption pack to anticipate from the flow type and the gravity type unload to anticipate.The chain is the superior quality metal alloy steel Gao strength plank type chain, bear to whet but credibility.Drive part an adoption a hard tooth face deceleration machine.The NE series plank chain type Dou type promote machine total have 11 kinds of model number:NE15, NE30, NE50, NE150, NE200, NE300, NE400, NE500, NE600, NE800.
The NE series plank chain Dou type promote a machine work principle:
The NE series plank chain type Dou type promote machine origin machine to fasten an inflow type to feed to anticipate, the material inflow anticipate to be promoted top by plank chain inside Dou, at material gravity function bottom unload to anticipate by oneself.This series promote machine specification to promote quantity more(NE 15~ NE800 total 11 kinds) wide;And produce an ability Gao, ability consume lower, can gradually replace an other type to promote machine, it the main parameter saw form.Should machine adoption whole the type machine hull chain be soon low, almost have never return to anticipate phenomenon, so have no achievement the power exhaust little, the Zao voice be low, life span long.
The NE series plank chain Dou type promote the machine main structure:
The NE series plank chain type Dou type promote machine from circulate a parts, drive to equip, upper part equip, central part machine hull, lower part equip constitute.
Circulate parts-from anticipate Dou and the appropriation plank type chain to constitute, NE30 and descend an adoption list row chain, NE50-NE800 adoption double row chain.
Drive to equip-adoption variety drive combination to drive, .(depend on customer's effective demand)Drive terrace top to have check to fix and railing.Drive to make to equip cent right and left to pack 2 kinds.
The upper part equip-install to have orbit(double row chain), negative machine, unload to anticipate to have to defend back to anticipate rubber plank.
In the center stanza-part in the center the stanza have orbit(double chain), in order to prevent chain work medium swing.
The lower part equip-install to have auto bring to the stretch equip.
The NE series plank chain Dou type promote the machine main characteristics:
1.Seal completely sex good, the wreath gold's pollution be little.
2.Operation, maintain convenience, easy the Sun piece be little.
3.The usage's cost is low, because of economy energy with maintain little, use cost very low.
4.Circulate credibility, forerunner of design principle, assurance the whole luck line of credibility, seal completely sex good.The pollution of the environment is little.
5.Structure harbor model number, accuracy Gao.Machine hull through fold a side and in the center press Jin, again through weld, rigid good, the external appearance be beautiful.
6.The machine size is small and promote quantity with equal of other various promote machine to compare, this kind of machine size which promote machine be smaller.
7.Transport ability big, should the series promote a machine tool to have NE15 the ~ NE800 variety specification.Promote the quantity scope as the 15~800 m 3/h.
8.Operation convenience, maintain little, easy the Sun piece be little.Transport a chain to roll a son chain for the set tube, induce type gravity to unload to anticipate, used for a various powder form, piece form thing a grain of perpendicular promote.
The NE series plank chain Dou type promote the machine main parts characteristics:
1.The upper part equip:Install to there is orbit(double row way), prevent°from chain swing, negative machine, prevent°from anticipating Dou turn round, material Zu full lower part machine hull, unload to anticipate to have rubber plank to prevent°from return to anticipate.
2.In the center stanza:Part in the center the stanza have orbit(double row stanza), in order to prevent chain work medium swing, part in the center the stanza have check to fix a door in order to maintain.
3.The lower part equip:Install have already brought to the stretch to equip, NE 15~ NE50 adoption the spring coil bring to the stretch, NE 100~ NE800 adoption the heavy hammer box bring to the stretch.
4.Top and bottom chain round adoption ZG310-570.Whole adjust quality, the fire HRC40~48 of the HB229-269 tooth face Cui.
5.Plank chain:Chain plank adoption 45# HRC36~42
Model number Promote the quantity square meter/hour The material biggest piece degree
Have percentage %
10 25 50 75 100
NE15 15 65 50 40 30 25
NE30 32 60 75 58 47 40
NE50 60 90 75 58 47 40
NE100 110 130 105 80 65 55
NE150 170 130 105 80 65 55
NE200 210 170 135 100 85 70
NE300 320 170 135 100 85 70
NE400 380 205 165 125



NE500 470 240 190 145 120 100
NE600 600 240 190 145 120 100
NE800 800 275 220 165 135 110


地 址:江苏省东台市时堰镇安时路17号
电 话:0515-85519096
传 真:0515-85519316
手 机:15396859599
网 址:http://www.sdshusong.com/


东台市申达机械厂产品查询直通车:直接点击进入具体的产品:矿用刮板输送机埋刮板输送机、煤矿用刮板机、WLS型无轴螺旋输送机、斗式提升机、水平刮板机螺旋输送机绞龙输送机u型螺旋输送机刮板链条埋刮板机皮带输送机、板链式提升机、链式输送机、各种头尾轮碳钢冷凝器不锈钢冷凝器铝合金冷凝器列管冷凝器板式冷凝器喷淋式冷凝器、及各种刮板机配件、各种铸钢件、标准件、平健、关风器 关风卸料器止逆器逆止器,提升机配件、TD型带式斗式提升机TH型--圆环链斗式提升机、平板烘干机、栅板、LSY螺旋输送机水泥输送机管式螺旋输送机GX型螺旋输送机LS型螺旋输送机双螺旋输送机MZ型埋刮板机链板输送机输送机头轮物料提升机、煤矿斗式提升机、NE板链式斗式提升机、TG斗式提升机、垂直提升机双轴粉尘加湿机单轴加湿机双轴加湿机粉尘加湿搅拌机、挡边输送机。申达公司联系:胡先生 15396859599 0515-85519096 欢迎访问申达公司官方网站 http://www.sdshusong.com


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地址:江苏省东台市时堰镇安时路17号 电话:0515-85519096  传真:0515-85519316 网址:www.sdshusong.com www.jssd8.com www.jssdjx.com 百度地图 网站地图
